I dont want to pay for car insurance... is there any way around it? LOL?

I dont want to pay for car insurance... is there any way around it? LOL?

"I am 19"I'm looking into acquiring 2 triplex apartment houses.  how much is insurance on a v6 mustang  integrated 1990. Both have already been maintained fairly well and have a very good value on them. Today I am trying to find on average what insurance's price could be. Only wanna make sure that it will be really worth my expenditure and not a Sink-Hole I have previously tested taxes"If somebody doesnt have insurance"After offering a drink-driving barWhat's the cheapest motor insurance corporation?
"Does anybody know in TX that delivers minimal obligation insurance to individuals without a driver license of any insurance company functioning? This includes a driver license from any US stateI reside in NJ and paying half as my car charge...
Is car insurance sexist?
" how much is insurance on a bmw for a 16-year-old -insurance company raise my premium rates for processing a claim even when the incident isn't my problem